KD Finechem has established an environmental management system to
strictly comply with the environmental laws and regulations and continuously conduct environmental conservation activities and environmental impact assessments, and is dedicated to improving environmental management and preventing environmental accidents.
We also aim to play a leading role in preserving the global environment by contributing to the sustainable development of businesses, local communities
and countries based on the low-carbon green industry and green technology that the world is paying attention to through the development of eco-friendly technologies.
By contributing to the sustainable development of the country, we want to be reborn as an eco-friendly company and play a leading role in preserving the global environment.
Continuous improvement
of environmental
management -
preservation of
business sites -
Compliance with
environmental laws
and regulations
Process of Environmental Management System (EMS)
KD Finechem pursues the environment-friendly corporate management by establishing a goal of reducing greenhouse gases for 'carbon neutrality',
founding the management organization for the ESG committee, and implementing the activities to reduce energy consumption and pollutants.
We are also striving for the establishment of the environment management system through continuous improvement of environmental management such as removal of risk factors and establishment of countermeasures after the implementation of the environmental impact assessment in order to monitor environmental issues at all times and to prevent accidents that may occur in the air, water, waste, hazardous chemical substances, soil, etc.
Water Environment Management
We are substantially contributing to the prevention of water pollution by reusing most of the generated sewage and wastewater.
In addition, we are making efforts to save water by recording and managing the operation log of the discharge facility through continuous monitoring of the water supply meter, and to reduce water consumption steadily through various
in-house water saving activities.
We are working hard to reduce water consumption steadily through various in-house water saving activities .
Air Environment Conservation Activities
By supplying eco-friendly energy such as natural gas and low-nox boilers, we are contributing to the reduction of nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides, which are secondary products of fine dust, and greenhouse gases.
In order to minimize air pollutants and odors generated in the manufacturing process, we strictly comply with the legal emission standards and strive to install optimal prevention facilities by continuously establishing and implementing environmental investment plans such as the installation of additional dust collection facilities.
Resource Recycling Activities
We are contributing to resource recycling activities by discharging wastes generated from production and business activities separately by type and use and entrusting them to a waste recycling treatment company.
In addition, we are striving to reduce the amount of generated waste by reusing metal tote tanks, and are transparently disclosing the emission status through the 'Olbaro System'. We are also making efforts to continuously achieve a target resource circulation rate by carrying out resource-saving activities throughout the company, such as reducing the use of disposable products and using mugs.
Chemicals Management
We check the hazardous chemicals supplied to the production process in real time through the company-wide resource management system, and strictly handle and store hazardous chemicals in accordance with the management standards in line with the strengthened Chemical Substances Control Act.
For safe chemical substance management, we have distributed the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to all business sites, and are implementing preventive activities against safety accidents through emergency response training, weekly self-inspections, annual regular/installation inspections, and training to strengthen the capabilities of handlers and managers.
Acquisition of
International Certification
ISO 14001
A certification system that evaluates whether an environmental
management system that continuously checks factors affecting
the environment in all processes of business activities and
improves environmental performance conforms
to international standards